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Vichyssoise Soup ©

January 29, 2013






This is a Classic Soup, very popular in the 1970’s and always warming and delicious. You want to keep the balance of  1/2 potato, to leeks and only the white part of the leek should be used to attain a nice white creamy soup and not light green. If you can go to the trouble of making real Chicken stock, this is always preferable when making soups and a dash of cream, just before serving makes it perfect, with a few freshly cut chives for your garnish.

This soup is served cold in summer and hot in winter, both are excellent.

For my daughter, who thank goodness, loves her vegetables!



Vichyssoise Soup




4-6 Persons




900 g  leeks

450 g potatoes

50 g butter

1 stick celery

600 ml Chicken stock

600 ml milk

salt and black pepper

freshly grated nutmeg

300 ml cream

Fresh Chives to garnish



1. Trim the roots and coarse outer leaves from the leeks, leaving just the white part for chopping. Cut a diagonal line down the center of each leek and rinse thoroughly under the running cold water tap, opening up the leek for the water to wash away any earth.

2. Slice leeks diagonally into 5 mm rings. Peel and coarsely dice potatoes.

3. Melt butter in large saucepan and add leeks and potatoes. Cover with grease-proof paper  and lid and sweat over very low heat,  mark 1-2. for 8 minutes. The vegetables must not brown!

4. Remove grease-proof paper and add celery, pour over stock, just enough to cover vegetables and simmer for 25 minutes.

5.  Add milk, heat through, do not boil. Season  with salt and freshly ground pepper and nutmeg.

6. Remove from heat and after five minutes, blend in blender, or pass through fine sieve.

7. Check again for seasoning, add cream and eat hot or chill for 2-3 hours and enjoy cold.

8. Before serving garnish with chopped chives. and a swirl of cream.

This is one of my most favourite soups!


Vichyssoise Soup

This is what you are aiming for.


Vichyssoise Soup

Trim roots

Vichyssoise Soup

Cut away coarse outer leaves and green part.

Vichyssoise Soup

Cut diagonal line through leek.

Vichyssoise Soup

Wash under running water.

Vichyssoise Soup

Slice into rings 5 mm thick.

Vichyssoise Soup

Peel and slice potatoes.

Vichyssoise Soup

Cut into strips, as if for chips.

Vichyssoise Soup

…and then across into cubes.

Vichyssoise Soup

Melt butter in large saucepan, add vegetables.

Vichyssoise Soup

Cover with grease-proof paper and  lid and sweat vegetables on very low heat, mark 1-2 for ten minutes.

They must not brown!

Chicken Stock

Use if possible homemade chicken stock, otherwise two good quality chicken stock cubes and boiling water.

Vichyssoise Soup

Just cover vegetables with stock, add celery and simmer for 25 minutes, or until vegetables are tender.

Vichyssoise Soup

Simmer with lid off.

Vichyssoise Soup

Once vegetables are tender blend in blender, until veloute. Otherwise pass through fine sieve, this takes time but

gives a lovely velvety finish. Add milk, heat through in clean saucepan, seasoning  to taste.

Vichyssoise Soup

Serve hot in warmed soup bowls, or cold after chilling for 3 hours in refrigerator. Garnish with fresh chives

and a swirl of cream.

Vichyssoise Soup

Just delicious!



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